Ambassador Petr Gandalovič arrived in the United States on May 20, 2011, and has resumed his responsibilites. He presented his
credentials to President Barack Obama on July 7, 2011.
Petr Gandalovič
Date of Birth: 15th August 1964
Place of Birth: Prague, Czech Republic
Education: 1982-1987 Charles University Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Career History:
2010-2011 Member of Foreign Committee
2009-2010 Member of Agriculture Committee
2007-2009 Minister of Agriculture
2006/9-12 Minister of Regional Development
2006-2011 Member of the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic
2002-2006 Mayor of the City of Ústí nad Labem
1997-2002 Consul General of the Czech Republic in New York
1995-1997 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Economic and Information Section, Director General
1994-1995 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Advisor to Minister
1992-1994 Ministry of Environment, Deputy Minister
1990-1992 Member of the Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic
1987-1990 High School of Ústí nad Labem, teacher of mathematics and physics
Marital Status: Married